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How to "manually" change the current lightshow

Posted: 25 January 2018, 15:42
by support
In case of corrupted lightshow and the software crashes at start, you can manually force the software to not load the corrupted lightshow at start. To do that:
- open the folder "../home_directory/TheLightingController/"
- make a copy of the file "param.ini" (just to keep an original backup)
- edit the file "param.ini" with a notepad
- find the line "PROJECT = " and delete it
- save the file and close the notepad

Next time you will start the software, it will open (or create) the lightshow "default".

In case of your corrupted lightshow is "default":
- open the folder "../home_directory/TheLightingController/LightShows/"
- change the name of the folder "default" (the name of the folder is the name of the lightshow).