Controlling software with remote control

remote control for the section "Live" of the software
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Joined: 15 February 2011, 22:29

Controlling software with remote control

Post by socalmagic »

I am a performer, and I have devised a method of using a remote control to operate the software from the stage without the audience being aware of it. The phone app didn't meet my needs because it requires pushing a specific area on the phone, and it is unreliable keeping a connection with my laptop. This system allows me to push a button in my pants pocket (no need to reach in the pocket, you just press the button through the pants).

I use almost all of my light scenes in timelines with recorded music. I can start or fade a timeline with the remote. Although most of the timelines are perfectly timed, I needed to start and fade the music and timeline when the length of the timeline varies (eg. chaser music as a volunteer enters/exits stage).

The remote I use is made by Keith Rubow. The buttons are programmable. I assign trigger keys in ShowXpress, and I have one button on the remote that steps through the scenes in the order I tell it to. This allows me to trigger timelines.

In addition, for tracks with varied timing, I have the music playing in WinAmp. There are 20 minute silent tracks in between the show tracks. WinAmp is set to a 5 second fade when skipping tracks. I then have the remote programmed on another button to skip tracks in WinAmp. At the same time I have it programmed to trigger a timeline in ShowXpress. When I press the skip button, it automatically fades the music in WinAmp, and activates a 5 second timeline in ShowXpress that ends the lights and resets to a standard light scene.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Controlling software with remote control

Post by support »

Thank you for this report.
The Lighting Controller
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