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Being able to choose the active channel step by step [fixed]

Posted: 01 January 2024, 13:51
by djcdreams
I would find it interesting to be able to activate or not each channel on each step. When you activate a channel on a step, it is automatically applied to all the steps in a program. Being able to activate/deactivate on the step of our choice this function would allow us, for example, to create chasers of another color over a background activated by another program.
I used this possibility a lot on Martin LJ a few years ago and it was very practical.

Best regards

Re: Being able to choose the active channel step by step

Posted: 02 January 2024, 14:06
by dumbfungus
I requested this feature years ago and it’s been implemented years ago.

It’s not even “the newest version only has it”. I think anything in v8 does, and certainly v9 does. Just disable channel in the steps you don’t want it in.

Re: Being able to choose the active channel step by step [fi

Posted: 02 January 2024, 20:05
by djcdreams
Thanks for your reply.

following your answer I started looking for how this was possible and I ended up finding it.
Thank you for putting me on the path, I'll take this opportunity to show those who don't know how you can deactivate channel links between steps

see here :