ShowXpress Programming Fixture Icons

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ShowXpress Programming Fixture Icons

Post by 80SRocker »

Is there anywhere I can find more information on what all the programming icons mean, do, how to use, in ShowXpress? I have searched the internet but cannot find any information on this. Even in ShowXpress's help section, I cannot find out any information about the icons. I am new to the software and am trying to program my lights so they display, mostly correct, in the 3DViewer. I understand 3DViewer has limitations and I am fine with that, such as showing program changes that do not appear in the Window but show up on the actual light. I am starting to figure out some of the icons in the fixtures and when to use them, but would really like to understand better what the icons mean, do, and when to use, based on your lights DMX manual. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: ShowXpress Programming Fixture Icons

Post by support »

Please post here: ... m.php?f=25
a link to download the manual of your DMX fixture and we will do the profile for you.
Then you could analyse the chosen channels / levels icons.
The Lighting Controller
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