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0 Interfaces found [fixed]

Posted: 10 April 2022, 21:38
by tonystw20
Use the 512 express on laptop and has worked flawlessly for every event. Programming some new lights so decided to do this in my office on Desktop computer. Software has been updated, the correct drivers are installed, and my Windows Software has been updated. but for reasons I am not sure of, I continue to get 0 Interfaces found when starting Showexpress.

I know its not the controller as it still works great on my laptop with no issues. Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: 0 Interfaces found

Posted: 11 April 2022, 07:39
by support

Re: 0 Interfaces found

Posted: 12 April 2022, 00:00
by tonystw20
First Off, THANK YOU, This worked perfectly.

I already had the files on my computer, but when I would try to update the driver, it would tell me that it was updated to the newest version. After your post, I unzipped the file and saved the USB folder to a different folder. When I went to update this time, I pointed to that folder and clicked the other devices, 64 bit, and BOOM. Installed the correct drivers.

Thanks again!!

Re: 0 Interfaces found

Posted: 12 April 2022, 07:50
by support
Good news !
You are welcome.