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Fixture with 38 channels on low-end DMX controller?

Posted: 22 April 2021, 18:38
by TiWi
Hi all,

I am a new in the world of light and try to educate myself with DMX and some fixtures I bought recently. I found this forum by Google and tried to find the answer on my basic question. Likely the answer on my question is peanuts for you all, but maybe because it’s that simple, I can’t find it...

I bought a LED moving head with 8 RGBW spots in it. This moving head can operate in a 9 channel modus and a 38 channel modus. Nobrainer that the 38 channel modus gives more extensive configuration options...

I use a low-end DMX controller with 192 DMX channels, standard 16 channels per fixture (say: the cheapest DMX controller on earth). Is there any possibility to control all 38 channels with this DMX controller? In 9 channel mode my LED moving head operates perfect, but in 38 channel mode (with DMX starting address 1 both on the fixture as on the DMX controller) nothing seems to be working. Why is that? In my (newbee) opinion, if I set the DMX starting address both on the fixture as on the DMX controller at 1, channel 1-16 can be controlled by selecting fixture 1 on the DMX controller, channel 17–32 should be controlled by pressing ‘fixture 2’ and channels 33-38 by selecting fixture 3...

Hope someone can help my out.

Kind regards from The Netherlands,


Re: Fixture with 38 channels on low-end DMX controller?

Posted: 04 June 2021, 01:39
by Kaos
What controller are you using?
it all depends on what you're using and if moving to a 38 channel mode changes the way channels are allocated, I would try to get the datasheet, it would be easier to help you then, for example, there are fixtures that change how many channels are used for movement by using 16 bits (2 channels) for movement instead of 8 bits(1 channel) depending on there control mode.


Re: Fixture with 38 channels on low-end DMX controller?

Posted: 05 June 2021, 07:51
by Luc Henrion
Maybe one of the 38 channels is "locking" all the others, it could be a kind of "master", located at "38"...

Re: Fixture with 38 channels on low-end DMX controller?

Posted: 04 July 2021, 20:36
by thorehl
Shutter = Open?
Dimmer = 100%?
Color selected?

Re: Fixture with 38 channels on low-end DMX controller?

Posted: 15 December 2021, 17:58
by Gilles

You are using a 192 channel DMX controller, but the maximum number of channels is limited to 16 channels per fixture. It is therefore impossible to control a device which has 38 of them.
Sorry for my english language , and thanks google