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No longer able to use LiveMobile - constant disconnects

Posted: 18 November 2020, 08:41
by djpurple
Hello, I have been using LiveMobile for years with great success, but have had problems more and more the last few months until now I can't get it to work at all.

I was using LiveMobile 2.4.1 with ShowXpress 7.1.12 on Macbook Pro OSX Lion for many years with very few issues. At some point I updated to 8.2.18 and continued to use it with few issues.

Sometime in the past year, I started getting problems (I think mostly disconnecting) which I think turned out to be the WiFi failing on the main computer I was using to run ShowXpress. However, I didn't realize this at first, and tried updating ShowXpress (to the latest 9) and LiveMobile (to the latest v3), hoping that would solve the problems.

It seemed to work for a while, and I thought everything was fixed, but after a while (memory is not clear, but I thought it was weeks or even months without significant problems), I started having more issues.

At some point (sorry can't remember timing, probably later than when I updated the apps, not sure of timing relative to the problems), I got a new iPhone to use as a controller with LiveMobile. I think I also updated iOS once or more after getting the new iPhone.

Over the past few weeks, LiveMobile would more and more frequently disconnect. I would try restarting, rebooting, refreshing apps, WiFi, computers, phones, occasionally getting short periods of everything working, but then failing again sooner or later, and becoming more and more difficult to get working again, eventually not responding to full restarts of all components for more than a few seconds.

Oh, just remembered, I had also switched from using a local WiFi network created by my MacBook Pro to using my home WiFi network for the connection to LiveMobile (since I started needing my newer MacBook Pro to be able to access the internet during the show.)

I've also been running Zoom on the same computer as the Lighting Controller, so there's a fair amount of data going through that same WiFi connection.

For now, I'm reverting to ShowXpress 7.1.12 on my old Macbook Pro with OSX Lion, hosting a local network from that computer (separate from my home WiFi network) and controlling ShowXpress from LiveMobile 2.4.1 on my newer iPhone, which is connected on the local (MacBook Pro, not home WiFi) network.

I also dug out my old iPhone 4 to try controlling from there (LiveMobile 2.3.1) and it seems to work as well as ever, but the newer iPhone also seems to be happy with the older ShowXpress on a separate network so far.

I would prefer to go back to running ShowXpress on my newer MacBook Pro, using my home WiFi network, rather than having to use a separate computer to run it on a separate network. I tried running ShowXpress 8.2.18 on my newer MBP, and even with creating a local network instead of home WiFi was still getting connection errors with LiveMobile 2.4.1 (though it's all starting to blur together now - can't clearly remember exactly what I tested with that configuration.)

Has anyone had similar issues, or have insight into what may be going on?

Re: No longer able to use LiveMobile - constant disconnects

Posted: 26 November 2020, 08:12
by djpurple
I will try to post a shorter version again here:

I am using:
LiveMobile V3 on iPhone 5s with iOS 12.4.9
ShowXpress 9.2.10 on MacBook Pro 2012 with Mac OS 10.12

I follow procedures for connecting via my home WiFi network, setting IP addresses and connecting the remote app to successfully run my light show via buttons on the iPhone. However, the Live Mobile app frequently disconnects, and often will not reconnect without a full reboot of the computer and phone.

Can you help please?

Re: No longer able to use LiveMobile - constant disconnects

Posted: 03 December 2020, 08:43
by support

We are unfortunately not able to reproduce these disconnections here.
So we are waiting for other users reporting a similar problem.

If no similar reports, we suggest you to try with another wifi network in another location if possible.

Re: No longer able to use LiveMobile - constant disconnects

Posted: 11 December 2020, 20:49
by isingbcuz
support wrote:Understood.

We are unfortunately not able to reproduce these disconnections here.
So we are waiting for other users reporting a similar problem.

If no similar reports, we suggest you to try with another wifi network in another location if possible.
Similer problem. only I'm a new user and I've not ever been able to make it work.
Mac OS 10.15.7 iPhone 8 14.2. it "connects" but none of my live buttons show up and within a few mins it disconnects.
Also I've tried to use a Router that is not connected to the internet and the Local IP won't populate in ShowXpress so I can't use that.
Followed all the instructions I could find online.

Re: No longer able to use LiveMobile - constant disconnects

Posted: 21 January 2021, 17:18
by thorehl
djpurple wrote:I will try to post a shorter version again here:

I am using:
LiveMobile V3 on iPhone 5s with iOS 12.4.9
ShowXpress 9.2.10 on MacBook Pro 2012 with Mac OS 10.12

I follow procedures for connecting via my home WiFi network, setting IP addresses and connecting the remote app to successfully run my light show via buttons on the iPhone. However, the Live Mobile app frequently disconnects, and often will not reconnect without a full reboot of the computer and phone.

Can you help please?
Having network dropouts sound more like a dodgy wifi antenna on you phone, then a software problem m8.
Drop you phone once, and trouble starts ..