Any users moved from D-Pro to ShowXpress?

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Joined: 11 November 2020, 00:19

Any users moved from D-Pro to ShowXpress?

Post by vocaltech »

Hi There, I started learning DMX through D-Pro 5 years ago as a sound guy, to run lights 4 times a year for gigs that I put on for a Pop Choir. I do a "good enough" job put D-Pro is really starting to drive me nuts. Apart from it's clunky way of doing things like flashing in time to music, the fact that you can't copy strings of cues (the chorus of song for instance) from one place in a cue list to another, the inability to copy songs from one show to another and lots of others, my biggest grip is just the amount of times I sit watching the beach ball spin when its not crashed - it's just taking it time to update one parameter of one cue!

I'm just wondering if anyone here has moved from D-Pro to ShowXpress and is willing to comment on whether they fond it easier to use, more stable - how steep the relearning curve felt etc? Any advice appreciated. Many Thanks, Gareth
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