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MACRO into a Sequence

Posted: 16 October 2019, 17:18
by kjeske54303

Trying to add a MACRO into a Sequence and for the life of me I can't figure
out how to pick the MACRO.

When you choose scene or generator it comes up with a dialog box to pick

When doing Macro it enters into the sequence but offers no way I can find
to pick the MACRO. Saw a older video that said to right click but that does
not seem to offer any menu option to pick a MACRO.

I am on version 9.2.3

Looks like you can create a Macro within sequences but how about using those that had been created as part of a SHOW?

Thanks for the assist. This has been driving me crazy.

Re: MACRO into a Sequence

Posted: 16 October 2019, 20:38
by SeekLighting
Hey mate,

Macros in Sequential List are separate to Macros in buttons. You cannot add a macro that you've created in buttons to a sequential list. When you add a macro to a sequential list, it's blank. You then add all the steps and generator files to that macro from there. Hope that helps!