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The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 03 February 2011, 22:41
by davidtoro
i try to connect some fixtures with the showxpress 100 but the light doesnt show signal what can i do??

Re: The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 03 February 2011, 23:47
by tomrbland
You could give us more info.....

What have you tried doing? Are you using the latest drivers and software? What operating system etc etc Have you turned on the DMX "traffic light" in the program that you are using?

There are to many options. We need more info as to what you have tried, and what your setup is if we are to help you.

Re: The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 04 February 2011, 00:03
by davidtoro
I am trying whit windows 7 32 bits, the green light works good, when i open v6 it detect universe 1 100 , when i open v5 it also works, so i have tried to connect in ledsplah, atomic, and q spot 575 but the lights doesnt show signal, do you need more information please tell my and i will reply this message inmediatly

Re: The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 04 February 2011, 08:09
by support
Please follow this: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=613
And let us know at which line it does not work.

Re: The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 04 February 2011, 11:25
by tomrbland
davidtoro wrote:when i open v6
Are you on the latest version of V6?

Re: The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 09 February 2011, 00:13
by davidtoro
no im using the v6.26 but the light doesnt detect the controller

Re: The fixture doesnt detect signal

Posted: 09 February 2011, 07:54
by support
We suppose you want to say: "the software does not detect the interface". In other words, ControlBoard does not show the message "interface xxx found". In that case, it looks like a driver problem. Please make a manual driver re-install, following the manual from pages 15 to 16.