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request - global Offset [done]

Posted: 28 March 2019, 12:33
by muscanto
The second request is to take the offset feature found in the generator, and use it on a global level as an "always on" menu item in the edit fixture as a constant change to offset the values in scenes. When enabled, whatever value you put in this menu for the pan or tilt channel is added or removed to the value in any scene. This is a more complicated request but it would allow users to have more control over fine tuning differences in fixtures where the pan and tilt do not line up. There are complicated workarounds for this, but having the ability to make minor adjustments in the pan and tilt as a constant change default to all scenes would save a lot of trouble programming.

An example of this is if I have two fixtures that are identical and I program a position in a scene but fixture #1 is not as straight as fixture #2 all the time, I can edit fixture #1 to be +2 on it's pan for every scene. When the software sends out DMX signal, it automatically add's +2 to every PAN channel value that is sent out so that fixture is straight with fixture #2.

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 29 March 2019, 16:39
by support
Please check the menu: tool bar "Menu" > menu "Generator Fixtures" > tab "Pan/Tilt offset".
It looks this is what you need.

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 30 March 2019, 18:13
by muscanto
That is exactly what I need, but I need it on a global level so I can affect normal scenes as well.

I would put this option in the "Edit Fixture" window with a new tab called "Global Pan/Tilt Offset" You could duplicate the screens from the generator and have it affect both generator and step based programming with a constant change, not variable.

This would allow me to fix two identical fixtures that do not line up perfectly with each other for various reasons.

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 30 March 2019, 18:37
by muscanto
Another reason why this would be useful is when I run into different fixtures being setup differently by their manufactures regarding where 0 on both pan and tilt go. I have attached a picture of two different fixtures that are at the same position but as you can see the values are different for Pan. In this scenario, I will not be using more then 180 degrees in either direction, so offsetting fixture model #2 by -79 on the pan channel, would allow me to have both fixtures physically aim the same despite having different values. I would lose the ability to utilize the full 540 degrees but that is not an issue for me and I plan ahead for that.


Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 31 March 2019, 09:57
by support
So, considering it is already existing in Generator, you finally need the pan/tilt offset option only for the tab Steps (?)

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 31 March 2019, 14:16
by muscanto
That would require me to offset the fixture settings every time a new step scene is created or use a template file. It would make more sense to have this setting be a global setting that effects generator files and scene files anytime they are created.

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 31 March 2019, 15:30
by support
So if the offset could be global, then the "local" offset in Generator could be removed ?

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 31 March 2019, 15:40
by muscanto
I wouldn't remove it from the generator.

Lets say you want to take 4 moving fixtures and do circles with them but have 2 fixtures at different angles making the same motion. The offset in the generator allows you to do this.

They serve different purposes so I would keep it in the generator in addition to the Global but the global is first to be processed before the addition/subtraction of values in the generator.

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 31 March 2019, 15:53
by support
Offset for Generator looks redondant if offset global is existing.
In our opinion, two offsets interacting to each other is one offset too much ; not clean.
Moreover, offset is time consuming for the processor, so better to have one only.

If some other lighting controllers have two levels of offset, please let us know.

Otherwise, our question is: if in the future we remove the global offset and we add the global offset, would it be ok for you ?
Other users are also welcome to give their mind.

Re: request - global Offset

Posted: 31 March 2019, 16:23
by muscanto
I would prefer to have offset on a global level vs generator if I had to pick between the two. The earlier scenario I provided would be rare and far less important.