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V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash [fixed]

Posted: 23 February 2019, 20:58
by nealjoos
TheLightningController crashes unexpected when going to the next step in sequential list. All the fixtures shut down and a window comes up that the software crashed.

We tested on three different MacBook Pro's. (Medio 2012, MacOS Mojave version 10.14.3) and we installed the newest version of the software and fix file on all of them.

What can we do about this problem?
Link to logs and lightshow:

Kind regards,
Neal Joos

PS: sorry for the bad English, we're from Belgium.

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 24 February 2019, 22:04
by support
We checked V9.1.13 under Mojave with your lightshow, and we loaded the project "Voorstelling.seq" in Sequential List.
We are able to play all lines (with the "Go" button) here without any crash.
The should be something else to do to get the crash.
Can you please post a video showing the problem ?
This may help us to understand what to do.

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 25 February 2019, 18:53
by nealjoos

That's the strange thing about it: it just crashes unexpected, we can't predict when it's going to happen.
Sometimes, everything just works fine and sometimes it crashes already at the first action.

I made a video of the crash (no interface connected): (crash at 1:55)

I hope that it's fixable, it sometimes just crashes during a performance.

Kind regards
Neal Joos

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 26 February 2019, 16:19
by support
Thank you for this video.
We do the same here with your lightshow, and we are unfortunately not able to get the crash.
We must be able to reproduce the crash in order to have a chance to fix it, so we keep trying.

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 03 March 2019, 17:46
by nealjoos

Could it be that the software crashes due to a lack of RAM memory or computing power?

I also used another light show yesterday and the software didn't crash. So perhaps the problem is in the light show?

Kind regards
Neal Joos

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 03 March 2019, 21:22
by support
The RAM is certainly not the problem.
For the rest, we presently do not know.

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 26 March 2019, 23:22
by support
Please try that fix: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ...
There is a good chance it fixes your problem.

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Posted: 28 March 2019, 15:06
by nealjoos

I tested the fix, so far so good. I didn't test it yet with the fixtures but I think the problem is solved.

Thank you! You guys are amazing!

Kind regards
Neal Joos