Tutorial : Switch Fixture channel

create scenes with steps
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Joined: 24 May 2018, 05:36

Tutorial : Switch Fixture channel

Post by iNX »


this is a tutorial for switching 2 fixtures with different configuration and to apply some steps previously made.
The idea is to change the channel in the step file of the old channel with the new to adapt with the fixture.
If your have only 3 scene, you probably do it by hand, but for me I have 300+ scenes it a game changer.
It only works with fixutre wich have channel with same functionnality (RVB, dimmer...)
Only work with scene and not generator

1/Save your config, like copy-paste your lightshow
2/Open the file fixtures.ini and note the id of your fixture
3/Open all the scene file in NotePad ++ (drag and drop)
4/Open the popup Search and Replace
5/Chose Regular Expression
6/In search paste

Code: Select all

<Fixture id="1526643478">(.*)<Channel index="([0-9]*)" name="green" value="([0-9]*)"( fade="1")?/>(.*)</Fixture>
7/Replace id with your id fixutre (1526643478 here), and the name of your channel (green in the ex)
8/in Replace paste

Code: Select all

<Fixture id="1526643478">\1<Channel index="3" name="green" value="\3"\4/>\5</Fixture>
7/Replace id with your id fixuture, also name, and important now the new channel (3 here)
8/Click Replace in all opened files
9/Save all files
10/Repeat this for all swithing channel
11/Open your program and now your scene match with your new fixture
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