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"Albatros" 3DView Lighshow

Posted: 20 May 2018, 14:27
by LightningFM
Hello everybody!
Here's my latest 3DView lightshow, designed on Madeon's unreleased (live only) track "Albatros".
YouTube link:
Before the show you can have a look at the stage, which is going to be significantly more detailed than usual ;)
Additional images and a "map" of the stage (for the universe description) here

The stage consists of a central platform for the artist; on the sides there are three trusses creating "wings". Directly behind artist deck, there's a vertical truss circle containing both beam/wash fixtures and strobes. There are few more trusses (some tilted by 20°/30°) directly over the stage and a few more over the crowd.

I spread the lighting equipment on five universes:
Universe 1: 506 channels. Controls the main beam fixtures on the "wings" (six on each truss, thirty-six in total), the strobes located on the wings and all RGB blinders on stage.
Universe 2: 460 channels. This universe manages the wash fixture on the "wings", additional beam fixtures on the "wings", all the wash and strobes located in the inner side of the "circle". It also controls everything on the "Upper A" truss.
Universe 3: 488 channels. Runs the fixtures located on ceiling trusses plus the beam fixtures on the external side of the "circle" and the entire "Upper B" (blinders excluded).
Universe 4: 280 channels. This last universe commands the twelve wash fixture located on the most external "ceiling" pair of truss and the set of lights used as a ground pack for backlighting effects on the artist (ten beam and four washes)
In total, the show is made with 1734 channels.

I hope you enjoy the show, let me know if there are questions or feedbacks :)

Re: "Albatros" 3DView Lighshow

Posted: 29 May 2018, 07:34
by support
Thank you Flavio !

Some infos for the readers: this lightshow is done & played with the new major version V9, which is presently in alpha state.
"Alpha" means too early for public release. Please be patient.