Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

live control with midi devices
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Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by James »

Hi, Wondered if anyone out there could possibly help?

In Buttons Menu I have various Buttons setup to trigger a Timeline which has my Audio and Dmx Lighting programmed which works fine.

But I'm also looking to see if I can control another background program to recall pre-saved reverbs say from a Behringer X Air using the X Air Edit PC Program?

Ideally either using a virtual Midi program or within Button Trigger?

It would be fantastic to be able to program midi triggers within a timeline, is this possible?

Example during a timeline if I could recall a reverb or various reverbs or mute etc throughout the track for use during a live vocal performances?

Any help would be appreciated

Many thanks.
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by support »

Sorry but this is not possible.
Our software acts as a slave with midi.
It is able to return a midi message only to drive the LED of the midi button (when necessary).
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by James »


Thank you for you prompt reply.

Would I be able to call up a Timeline from another piece of software?

I Only ask as I am putting together a one man show and I don't want to keep going over to a laptop to manually call up each song and then to keep switching in and out various reverbs, doesn't look professional on a stage.

Could I as an example call up a reverb from a midi piece of software and trigger a timeline in the background?

I even thought is it possible to create a DMX lighting scene which somehow with DMX to Midi converter could trigger it that way? just a thought...

If not then unfortunately as much as I like Sweetlight, I will have to find a lighting software package that can...

Many thanks.
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by support »

You can create a button in Live Buttons, to trigger the timeline.
And the button can be triggered via a midi message, or a network message (https://forum.thelightingcontroller.com ... =72&t=4183).
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by James »


Seems overly complex, I can't see how I can start running pages of code live on stage?

And it still doesn't answer how I would manage to control various reverbs or muting reverbs during a timeline?

What about a lighint scene? could I somehow program a scene with some sort of DMX to Midi?

Many thanks.
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by support »

There are some "DMX to MIDI" converters on internet (https://response-box.com/gear/decabox-dmx-to-midi/). With that, you can drive the corresponding dmx channels in a scene.

But FYI, usually the master is the midi sequencer, and the rest (lights, music instruments, ...) are slaves.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by James »

Hi, Will look more into this.

Many thanks for your help.
Luc Henrion
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by Luc Henrion »

I would confirm this: I'm using an old version of Cubase to achieve a similar goal, not using the timeline at all: all the audio, video & MIDI duties are handled by Cubase, I have a dedicated MIDI track (+ marker track) that triggers Live buttons thru MIDI. I just had to modify the keyboard shortcuts in Cubase: the space bar now acts as "play until next marker", so that the only thing I have to do during the show is pushing on the space bar. Should a problem arise, the "B" (back) and "N" (next) keys are at hand to go navigate to another marker. Works (very) fine for me.
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by James »

Hi Luc,

Many thanks for your input, very interesting.

I currently use Presonus for all my audio editing needs and have borrowed a friends Behringer xr12 to see if I can use it in conjunction with Sweetlight.

Can I ask are you using a Behringer xr12?
If so, do you recall presaved reverb setting scenes via Xr Edit Software or do you use the reverbs etc from Cubase?

So I'm guessing you have Cubase open in the background as well as Sweetlight, plus maybe a virtual Midi interface?
Luc Henrion
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Re: Sweetlight Midi Control with Behringer X Air Edit

Post by Luc Henrion »

No, I don't use an X Air, in fact I use sometimes an X32, but not its MIDI capabilities since I don't need them. Actually, for those one-man (+ one woman!) shows I use a simple USB interface (Tascam 20x20) and a lot of Cubase features: Pianoteq for example is giving me the piano sound; thru monitoring and a VST plug-in, I'm adding a bit of reverb on my voice, I have some "backing tracks" as well, and so on. But I think that you might be able to achieve almost the same in Presonus Studio One. I don't use it either but from the manual, there is a way you can adjust keyboard shortcuts as well. What I'm not sure about is that there is a way to select "play until next marker" or "pause at next marker" or whatever similar... I see that Studio One has "jump to next marker" but that's no the same... Amazingly, not all DAW's do have this - essential - feature :?
To be honest also, since my PC is not a very powerful one and I'm asking a lot from him (VSTi's, VST's, audio tracks and sometimes video tracks "full screen"), I'm using a second "MIDI'ed" laptop for Sweetlight... and to display my scores as well, on a secondary screen ! ;)
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