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not seeing "Live Mobile" in settings on ipad

Posted: 08 October 2017, 14:39
by jason5d
I'm not seeing "Live Mobile" in settings

I saw it a few days ago but now it's gone
I have tried reinstalling no change

any thoughts?

Re: not seeing "Live Mobile" in settings on ipad - live mobi

Posted: 08 October 2017, 23:23
by jason5d

a section has appeared at the bottom of the settings windows with all the installed applications with live mobile included.

Does anyone know if this is a known thing with Ipads, i'd rather this didn't happen again.

Re: not seeing "Live Mobile" in settings on ipad - live mobi

Posted: 09 October 2017, 19:50
by jason5d
further update,

The settings issue is a known ios 10.3 bug, the 3rd party settings usually
come back when you force shutdown all the running apps, google how to do it.

Re: not seeing "Live Mobile" in settings on ipad - live mobi

Posted: 09 October 2017, 20:52
by support
Thank you for this info.