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After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 13 September 2017, 05:26
by davelerbakken
Version 8.2.24
Mac with OS Sierra 10.12.6


I wanted to start with a clean slate and exported my light show for safe keeping. I closed ShowXPress, and when I reopened the application all of my fixtures were gone from the Fixtures tab, not represented in Editor and missing from 3D View. When rebuilding scenes in Live, a "no" symbol appeared on the buttons when activitaed. This happened 3 more times thereafter. I finally found that after Exporting, the file size was listed as "Zero Bytes" for my .scex and fixture files. See attached image.

I have since deleted and reinstalled completely. I have also totally rebuilt my show. I'm a good 20 hours or more invested. If I go to export my show, am I going to lose the whole thing again? What is the best way to back up my show?

Thank you!

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 13 September 2017, 07:18
by support
A lightshow is a folder. The function "Export" in our software simply does a copy/paste action. You can also manually copy/paste the folder.

The only problem we saw (which is beyond our control), is when you use for instance special characters for filenames under MacOS which are not allowed under Windows, and you export the lightshow from MacOS to Windows.

Please post a link to download your original lightshow (with all fixtures present), and we will check it.

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 08 June 2018, 00:01
by deepblue37
So I have the same problem. But now my original file also has zero bytes on each file. I'll of the files are there there just isn't any information. I have no idea why that would happen to the original file. I could understand if it was the exported zipped file but how did it happen to the original folder? Is there any way to recover those files?

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 28 December 2018, 21:06
by jmilkey
Was a fix ever found for this problem.
After reading this it occurs to me that I had just exported my light show before I lost everything too....
This is terrible.

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 29 December 2018, 19:03
by jmilkey


Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 29 December 2018, 23:31
by SeekLighting
jmilkey wrote:THIS BUG COST ME DAYS OF WORK....

Hey man, can guarantee you that is not normal software behaviour. I export light shows all the time, have been doing so for years, and have never once had this glitch. This is not normal software behaviour so I don't think it's fair for you to give advice on the forum to users not to use a perfectly functioning part of the software.

It seems that Support is on holidays at the moment. When he gets back hopefully he can give you an answer

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 30 December 2018, 18:08
by support
Posting multiple similar messages will not speed up the things (we left only that one and we have deleted the other ones).
Writing messages in capital letters is not really pleasant as well.

FYI, the export lightshow function of our software is a simple "CopyDirectory" command, which copies the folder "../TheLightingController/YourLightShow" in the destination path.
So few people reporting a problem with this function is not enough to consider there is a bug in our software, considering everybody is supposed to use this function.

However, if you are able to reproduce this problem, please tell us how to do, and as soon as we could reproduce it, we will straight work on a fix.

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 28 July 2022, 20:46
by myates0374
Mac OS Mojave

Same Issue

I exported light show to desktop and it exported my show with zero bytes in all files, opened up showxpress and it was a blank canvas?
I have seen this happen to a few other users in the forum with no fix?
Can someone please help? I have never had an issue with this until this morning.

Thank You!

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 28 July 2022, 21:44
by support
Please email us ( ... p?f=3&t=19) a ZIP of the exported folder.
We will check it.

Re: After Exporting, Files contain "Zero Bytes"

Posted: 31 July 2022, 20:45
by myates0374

Just checking back in, as I sent the requested file to support.

Thank You!