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The Generator file is restarted

Posted: 30 March 2017, 20:33
by Tomlin
I have several scenes that have Generator Files running via the Macro feature in Sequential List. Each time I advance through from one scene/Macro to another, the Generator File is restarted, causing the lights (moving intelligent lights) to jump back to the original starting point.

Is there any way to allow a Generator File to SPAN over two scenes, or to have the fixtures to continue where they are so that they appear seamless? A good example would be like on the LIVE tab, where you have a Generator file running motion, but you click other scenes and change them up on the fly, yet the motion remains unchanged. I'd like to do this in Sequential List.


Re: Feature Request- Spanning scenes or macros with Generato

Posted: 26 April 2017, 02:16
by Pink LD
I addressed this back in the middle of V7, and it was fixed. but I recently noticed this problem is back with a vengeance in V8. I referenced your post in my more recent post. Let's see if we can get an answer, eh?

Re: The Generator file is restarted

Posted: 26 April 2017, 07:23
by support

Re: The Generator file is restarted

Posted: 16 March 2019, 15:49
by notslaw
I am having this same issue. I notice that it has been two years since this post has seen any action. Is this still on the to do list?

Version 9.1.9 - 181115 - 64 bits

Re: The Generator file is restarted

Posted: 17 March 2019, 11:01
by support
It is not on the ToDo list ; it is "noted" ( ... f=3&t=4909).

We understand the problem.
But this involves to make changes in the "scenes player" engine in Live, which is very sensible.