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Limited use of USB Cable interface with new version 8

Posted: 13 March 2017, 22:33
by PVQ
Hello, I used to prepare a show offline in versions 6 and 7 with up to about 16 fixtures. When connecting the USB-cable, it was not possible to make changes to the scenes for fixtures above number 10. However, it was possible to run the shows. I could live with this.
Recently I updated to version 8, and as usual, i programmed a complete show. But when connecting the hardware, it seems that only the first 10 fixtures are controlled anymore. This means, all my preparation work is lost.
Is there a way to anyhow control the show for all 16 fixtures with the USB-Dongle?
Or is there a way to convert all scenes (*.scex) to the old versions (*.sce). Just renaming seems not enough. In this way, i do not need to restart programming from scratch.
This is rather urgent, as i have the show to run coming weekend.
Many thanks.

Re: Limited use of USB Cable interface with new version 8

Posted: 14 March 2017, 07:12
by JohnRichards
You can combine fixtures to keep the limit to 10, but remember you are also limited to 100 dmx channels.
I used to do this and still do on my Cable, but use my 512 mostly now.

Re: Limited use of USB Cable interface with new version 8

Posted: 14 March 2017, 10:39
by support
This is the consequence that V8 is fixtures based programming, which means "no way to straight drive the dmx channels".

Sorry but scene files are not forward compatible (V7 is not able to read V8 scenes).