Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

create scenes with steps
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Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by bfactor3 »

Hello, I am wondering if there is a way for me to have a certain channel active with a value in one step of a sequence, and then deactive in the next.

For example: I am trying to program a chase of white flashes from left to right through a set of the first step i bring the color channel of the first fixture to white, with all the other fixtures deactive... in the next step i am looking to deactive the first mover's color channel so it goes back to whatever color it was on, and put the next mover's color channel to white. the issue i am running into is during the second step, i cannot deactive the first mover's color channel, it just goes to a value of 0.

any thoughts?
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Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by support »

Sorry but this is presently not possible.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by Bob_be »

You should be able to do this with the timeline. Create the scene you want with all the movers. Then create a single white scene for each mover, using just the color channel (if you have 5 movers you should have 5 scenes-Don't worry about the position, the original scene will take care of that). Place the scene with all the movers on the timeline. Then place each individual mover scene where you want them to flash under that timeline (you will have to open the properties of each scene and uncheck Loop). What will happen is the original all movers scene will play, when it hits the single scene, it will see that the color channel has changed and override the all mover scene and use that new value. When the software no longer sees the new color value, it will drop back down to use the all movers color (scene).

You can also do the same thing in Standalone then save the Standalone into a single scene (.scex).

Hope this helps.

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Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by bfactor3 »

Damn. Do you have any ideas for work arounds? I am looking to use that approach in two instances... First for chases that would be used as Flash Buttons in live mode (flashes of color through fixtures, flashes of gobo, random shutter stuff).

Secondly, for color wipes. How can I change all of my fixtures to a color look from left to right without having all of them start at a value of 0 (white)?
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Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by bfactor3 »

Thanks Bob, didn't see your reply before posting mine. I'll check that out soon. Any ideas for the color wipes as well?
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Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by Bob_be »

Sorry for the delay responding back, been busy at work.

I'm not sure how you run your light show, but I would strongly suggest using Steps (or Generator) to do the color wipe. Create a new scene for each color change. Read this topic, if you haven't done so already, It should give you an idea of where I'm coming from: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=4819

In steps it would look something like this.
Step 1: mv-All clr "A" (click the last icon above the steps window-"Add")
Step 2: mv-1 Clr "B" ("Add" again)
Step 3: mv-2 clr "B" (Continue across your movers.
Last step: mv-All clr "B" (you can make this as long as you like. You can keep this on until your next color/scene Button change.)

*mv=Movers Clr=Color

In Generator, Shift (bottom of the screen) your movers. It doesn't have to be an extreme shift. Then have the color change just after your 1st mover. Have a long time run in your 2nd color, just like the last step in Steps. You'll have to play around with it.

With your color wipe done in Steps/Generator you will have to ability to change the speed via the Master Speed Controller or Properties within Buttons.

Timelines only have to ability to play one Timeline at a time. That would mean your lights would go black until the Timeline turn it on. Plus you won't have to ability to control the speed.

I hope this makes sense. If not, let me know.

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Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by dmxshows »

See my workaround in the following post: "Active and unactive channels between steps? " ... =69&t=5087

Hope it helps pals.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Activate/Deactivate Channels in different steps

Post by support »

Topic closed to leave only this one open: ... =69&t=5087
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