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Running Sequential List Crashes ShowXpress

Posted: 10 October 2016, 04:18
by CoreyT
We are using ShowXpress 8.1.23, trying to run a sequential list in Live > Timeline. Lighting designer built this cue list on her mac, but doing playback causes the program to crash (usually after between 1-5 cues), she exported the show to a zip folder to transfer to our theater's window's 10 show computer. The sequential cue list would not extract.

When we transferred files via upload/download from google drive(i.e. no compressing) to the PC, we were able to load the cue list but again, it would crash after executing just a few cues. window would close and we receive generic 'program has stopped working' messages. Building in a different show with a smaller cue stack produces the same problem.

Any ideas???

Re: Running Sequential List Crashes ShowXpress

Posted: 10 October 2016, 09:25
by support
Please send us a copy of your lightshow (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=168).
We will check it.

Re: Running Sequential List Crashes ShowXpress

Posted: 15 October 2016, 23:49
by support
We got your lightshow, but please note that we decided to revise the overall operation of Sequential List, so there might be some change in this section, in a near future.