How to use midi equipment

live control with midi devices
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

How to use midi equipment

Post by support »

Plug your midi devices to your computer

Declare the midi device in the software
open "Preferences" in the main menu" > select tab "Midi"
check "MIDI In enable" to enable midi messages from the midi device to the software
double click the arrow at the right side of the lines to select the midi devices
check "MIDI Out enable" to enable midi messages from the software to the midi device
double click the arrow at the right side of the lines to select the midi devices

Midi to DMX fixtures channels
in tab Fixtures, click on button "Menu" in the toolbar in tab Fixtures, and select "Fixtures Midi inputs"
press "learn" and move the midi slider/button (then you see the midi infos at the left side of the "learn" button)
select the priority mode with the dropbox
add an optional comment
press the button "Add / Update"
select the line in the list
check the channels to drive with the midi input

Midi to buttons in Live
right click on a scene button, in Live
select "button trigger"
select tab "Midi"
check "Midi in"
press "learn" and move the midi slider/button
Buttons in Live to midi
check "Midi out"
adjust the parameters according to the midi device requirement

Midi to tools in Live (pause, freeze, bpm, master fader)
click on the button "Menu" in the toolbar, and select "Settings"
in section "Midi shortcuts", select the line of the chosen function
press "learn" and move the midi slider/button

Caution: make sure the midi faders are transmitting as a continuous controller (CC) not note on/off...
The Lighting Controller

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