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blinking on beat

Posted: 26 May 2016, 15:47
by bshoc
hey guys,
I'm trying to create a scene in which my lights will blink with the beat of the music. When I try to create steps with a certain time, it always rounds it to the nearest .05 second. Is there an easier method or something I'm missing? I'm wanting to be able to load it into the timeline and have a fixture blinking with the beat of the music. Thank you!

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 26 May 2016, 21:39
by support
0.05 sec is the shortest duration for a step.

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 26 May 2016, 21:41
by bshoc
Thank you. I understand that. But if I try to set it for example to .14, it changes it to .15.

Do you have a better suggestion for making a light blink on tempo with the beat using the timeline?

Thank you!

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 27 May 2016, 06:54
by support
The duration of a step is a multiple of 0,05 sec.

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 27 May 2016, 12:47
by bshoc
Thank you. I understand that the minimum step is .05 and that they are in multiples of .05.

I'm asking if you have a suggestion for matching the lights to the beat of the music. I'm not sure what the BPM portion of the software does in the upper right corner but maybe that has something to do with it?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 27 May 2016, 23:41
by Bob_be
2 options you could use.

Option 1: If your light(s) have a strobe effect, you could try to find that frequency for the beat.

Option 2: Create a 2 (or more) step scene. One step with the fixture(s) ON. Second step fixture(s) off. Depending on the effect you like have one step longer than the other (Step one 0.10, step two 0.05 - or vice versa).
--If you create a button, from your created scene, on the Live page and set the properties to manual BPM (or auto BPM) it will go through each step one at a time... i.e. ON first beat, OFF next beat, ON next beat, OFF next beat, etc.

Hope this helps.

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 28 May 2016, 18:38
by bshoc
Bob_be wrote:2 options you could use.

Option 1: If your light(s) have a strobe effect, you could try to find that frequency for the beat.

Option 2: Create a 2 (or more) step scene. One step with the fixture(s) ON. Second step fixture(s) off. Depending on the effect you like have one step longer than the other (Step one 0.10, step two 0.05 - or vice versa).
--If you create a button, from your created scene, on the Live page and set the properties to manual BPM (or auto BPM) it will go through each step one at a time... i.e. ON first beat, OFF next beat, ON next beat, OFF next beat, etc.

Hope this helps.
Thank you Bob! Is there anyway to effectively do this in the timeline?

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 29 May 2016, 17:23
by LightningFM
Yes, the "option 2" wrote by Bob should work also in the timeline, just right-click the scene and then select the auto/manual BPM

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 30 May 2016, 01:07
by Bob_be
After you create and save your 2 step Light Scene, add it Light Scene to your timeline. By default it will be set to loop. You can put a Stop tool at the desired time. That will turn off the Light Scene.

If you really want to get fancy, you could create a Light Scene the length of your song and put in any changes you want to your light scene (full on, dim down, off, etc.). If you went this route, after adding it to your timeline right click on the light scene -> Properties and uncheck the Loop option.

Re: blinking on beat

Posted: 07 June 2016, 20:47
by bshoc
LightningFM wrote:Yes, the "option 2" wrote by Bob should work also in the timeline, just right-click the scene and then select the auto/manual BPM
I have right mouse clicked on my scene in the timeline, but I'm not seeing an option to select auto/manual BPM, however there is an option to add a BPM tool. Would you mind explaining a little more? Thank you for your help!