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Crash report: "add fixture" on 7.1.74 on El Capitan

Posted: 28 November 2015, 10:06
by BuBulle

I did a brand new install of 7.1.74 on El Capitan on MB Pro with AMD Radeon R9 M370X and Intel Iris Pro.
I copied Sweetlight folder on Applications and it opens fine.
When I add a new fixture it crashes unexpectedly when I hit "patch" (I tried with and without 3D viewer to diagnose interference). I rebooted, no change. I tried several fixtures, same result.
Also If I try create to a new lightshow, I enter a name like "new" and sweetlight returns that it cannot create "new/" folder. This works fine on Windows.

Thanks a lot for supporting

Re: Crash report: "add fixture" on 7.1.74 on El Capitan

Posted: 07 December 2015, 22:56
by support
We just double-checked ; we are able to add a new fixture in our lightshow, under El Capitan, without any crash.

Please tell us if this problem exists with a 100% new lightshow.

Re: Crash report: "add fixture" on 7.1.74 on El Capitan

Posted: 19 December 2015, 02:42
by BuBulle

Yes, brand new universe. Still crashing.


Re: Crash report: "add fixture" on 7.1.74 on El Capitan

Posted: 19 December 2015, 22:25
by support
Can you please make a MacOS search of the folder "TheLightingController", and then post of zip of this complete folder ?