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StandAlone Scene Duration?

Posted: 24 October 2015, 00:09
by shazammagic
What is the maximum scene length that can be uploaded using StandAlone?

I uploaded a 6 step / 45 second scene to the interface, but when played back, it kept freezing on the last or second-to-last step. So I created a 4 step / 30 second scene, and that works fine.

I understand that the available memory in the interface is limited, but 6 steps and/or 45 seconds seems very limited.

Please let me know if I'm doing something incorrectly. The interface I'm using is Chauvet's Xpress™ 512. Many thanks in advance!

Re: StandAlone Scene Duration?

Posted: 23 December 2015, 21:51
by support
Please post (or email) your lightshow. We will check that.