[6.00] 3DView -> SetRandomKey - Key Error ! [fixed]

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Joined: 29 December 2009, 17:53

[6.00] 3DView -> SetRandomKey - Key Error ! [fixed]

Post by bluegrassbeat »

Hey I'm loving that there is a new mac version of the software. But, I'm having trouble with 3dview. I keep getting errors like:

fonction : SetRandomKey - Key Error!

then 3dview shuts down. It does it over and over and kind of randomly. It makes it basically unusable. Any idea what the problem is?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: 3dView Issue on Mac OSX

Post by support »

This error message happen normally when 3DView takes more than 8 seconds to come on screen, once you click on the button in ControlBoard.
Does your 3DView take more than 8 seconds to come on screen ?
If yes, may be you have a very complex 3D show, so 3DView requires more than 8 seconds to load it (?)
If yes,could you try with an empty lightshow (ControlBoard -> Settings -> current light show) ?
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 10729
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: [6.00] 3DView -> SetRandomKey - Key Error !

Post by support »

The Lighting Controller

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