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Pixels help

Posted: 17 July 2015, 04:25
by lse
Need help getting my artnet to work I have my 512 plus plugged in and normal dmx works fine. Can't get pixels to send artnet to my controller box. Not seeing any packets being sent out of show express. Have the artnet setup on 2nd universe and the IP set to my network IP

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 17 July 2015, 04:48
by lse
Has anyone gotten artnet to work?

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 17 July 2015, 08:32
by support
Please watch this:

if you have one "usb to dmx" universe linked to the software, you must use universe #1 for Artnet.
The rule is "when one "usb to dmx" universe is connected, you can use the same channels for your Artnet devices".

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 17 July 2015, 23:48
by lse
Why is it set to the same Universe. Why can't I have my dongle plugged in use universe 1 on dmx and use universe 2 for artnet

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 17 July 2015, 23:52
by lse
And if that's how it is going to continue to work then we need a artnet key to unlock multiple artnet universes it's unpractical to plug 3 dongle in for 3 artnet universe

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 19 July 2015, 14:49
by Lighter007
then we need a artnet key to unlock multiple artnet universes it's unpractical to plug 3 dongle in for 3 artnet universe
Absolutely right. That's how it is now.
An Artnet key, for example a file to put on a USB flash drive, would be a nice way.
Pricing somewhere between D512 and cable interface would be awesome ;)

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 20 July 2015, 02:11
by lse

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 24 July 2015, 04:28
by lse
2 artnet universe for a 512+

Re: Artnet help

Posted: 24 July 2015, 08:16
by lse
Ok so I watch the video in detail.
1/when they open software 0 universes are found so there will be no artnet out
2/ they has 2 universes
3 /moving head fixtures are on chanel 1 universe 1
4/ pixels start at universe 1 channel 1
5/ pixel dmx count comes out to 180 channels per panel 5 panels is 900 channels
6 /he 2 Arnet address are different