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La Mujer Live screens

Posted: 18 January 2015, 03:04
by dj spiff
Live screen from my project that I call "La Mujer". Most of the color scenes are derived from a website called I have tried as much as possible to present the names exactly as they appeared on the site. Look 'em up and send some love.

After creating the scenes using Pixels, I open them in Editor and add color wheels to them. It is important to apply color selections to all steps. These scenes control RGB and CMY fixtures in the array including Mac 300's and Studio Spot CMYZ. See my post in Pixels which explains how I do this.

Here I have provided a link to "La Mujer" as it currently exists. Rogue 2's are having trouble displaying properly because of dual color wheels. I hope this can provide some insight into the power of layering.

Re: La Mujer Live screens

Posted: 18 January 2015, 03:56
by dj spiff
Here is a general layout of current control surface, the Akai APC40. I am also looking forward to trying to integrate with a Midas M32 soon.

Live screens are designed primarily to help find the controls on the surface.

Re: La Mujer Live screens

Posted: 18 January 2015, 06:01
by dj spiff
Movements are set up the same as the buttons they are mapped to. mostly one step fades, the bottom row contains dynamic loops. Push any of these and something cool is going to happen.

Re: La Mujer Live screens

Posted: 18 January 2015, 18:28
by support
Thank you for this report and the nice screenshots.
PS: we keep preciously your lightshow ; thank you for sharing it.

Re: La Mujer Live screens

Posted: 01 July 2016, 01:55
by s5events
Hey DJ Spiff...

I'm really interested to learn how you are able to assign the same knob for multiple functions. I also have an APC40 but outside of use with Ableton, I don't know how to change "banks" for the knobs... I assume that is what you are doing. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you much.

Sean S5