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Second click on the first selected fixture crashes [fixed]

Posted: 16 December 2014, 18:52
by MTF Showtechnic
Today I've noticed the following faults:
In the Editor/Steps I choose one fixture in the 2DView. It's marked with a blue frame. Then I hold the "Control" Button of the Keyboard and select a second fixture.
The first selected fixture alters his frame into white and the new choosen fixtures get's the blue frame.
So far so good. During "Control" Button is still pressed down I click again on the blue framed fixture. Now the complete Software crashes down.
The Crash is repeatable.

There's no icon after installing the software. It's displayed as an empty sheet. If you want to change the icon you get the hint that the Sweetlight icon is missed.

The complete Menu of the 3DView Window is still in english as you can see in the shortcut. Bug or still undone?

greatings from germany

Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 16 December 2014, 19:42
by Lighter007
There's no icon after installing the software. It's displayed as an empty sheet. If you want to change the icon you get the hint that the Sweetlight icon is missed.
I do not have this problem :? I´ve got the Black-Wihte "Sweetlight" Logo.
The complete Menu of the 3DView Window is still in english as you can see in the shortcut. Bug or still undone?
I don´t have this problem either:

Do you use 7.1.23 ?

Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 17 December 2014, 06:49
by MTF Showtechnic
Yes I'm using 7.1.23 But since the timeline bugs (Transparency and red Mark) have been fixed the software shows 7.1.27.
Software from 9th december.
PC is running with Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 Build 7601.
I've this behaviour also on another PC with Ultimate.

Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 17 December 2014, 08:11
by Niffo

No.1 : Reproduced, fixed for next release, thanks for the report.

No.2 and No.3 : It seems your software install is not clean. We suggest you to reinstall the whole software.


Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 17 December 2014, 11:10
by MTF Showtechnic
I've erased the software with the uninstall.exe in the sweetlight folder.
To my amazement there are 2 Folder left on the PC.
Erased them too.
Installed Sweetlight again - still no Icon (see attached file - Left window=preference of sweetlight / Right window heading=other / text=The file .... isn't found)
3D View Menu now alright and in german.
Sorry for wasting your time - it has been my fault.
I changed some translations in the ini but stored it in a wrong format.

Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 17 December 2014, 11:20
by Niffo
MTF Showtechnic wrote: 3D View Menu now alright and in german.
I changed some translations in the ini but stored it in a wrong format.
For information, language files have to be in UTF8 with BOM (


Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 17 December 2014, 12:03
by MTF Showtechnic
OK thanks for this advice.
Opened the file with a hex editor and here we go - the 3 Bytes which can rock the boat! 8-)

But can you explain the missing Icon??

Re: Software crashes when selecting fixtures in the Editor

Posted: 17 December 2014, 18:22
by support
We found the reason of the "missing icon" problem.
It is due to a source code error in the "Windows program installer" software.
This will be fixed for next complete new software version.

In the meantime, you can manually re-do this shortcut file:
- open the location containing the file "TheLightingController.exe"
- right-click on this file, and then click "Create shortcut". The new shortcut appears in the same location as the file
- drag the new shortcut to the desired location (desktop for instance)