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Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 25 November 2014, 17:20
by Cybernick121
Hi Guys,
I brought the Quick DMX D512 Plus unit specifically to trigger different lighting states, at specific times, on particular days of the week in Standalone mode. Unfortunately, I cannot get this to work.

Here is my desired setup in list form:

Monday 09:01 am - Red and Blue
Tuesday 09:01 am - Blue and Green
Wednesday 09:01 am - Pink and Blue
Thursday 09:01 am - Red and Blue
Friday 09:01 am - Blue Red Green

Plus a few states that can only be operated via infrared remote.

All States need to turn off at 22:00 every night whether they are triggered by remote or calender timer. (This is currently working properly)

At the moment none of the states are being triggered on at the specified days and times but the off trigger IS working.
I have tried lots of different combinations of times and dates to no avail Including 'all years / all months / all days' at a specified time.

I am unsure if this is a problem with the D512 Plus hardware or a software bug but I would really appreciate if you could get this working for me.

Also, I would like button 18 on the infra-red remote to trigger a blackout. I don't mind if this is a release function or a blackout. I have tried putting the 'OFF' Function into timeline 18 and I have also programmed all fixtures at 0 intensity in a scene in timeline 18. Neither of these attempts worked.

Could you have a look at these problems for me please?

Please find the show file attached.

Thanks a lot


Re: Quick DMX D512 Plus Standalone Calendar/Time not working

Posted: 26 November 2014, 22:46
by support
Thank you for this clear report.
We found a problem with the calendar management.
Please download this file: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ...
And copy the dll file for Windows (or the dylib file for MacOS) from the zip file, in your software folder (this will replace the existing dll/dylib file).

And tell us if it works ok now.

Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 27 November 2014, 11:47
by support
We finally released a complete new version with the fix (V 7.1.23).

Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 04 December 2014, 16:22
by Cybernick121
Hi Guys,

Thank you very much for the quick reply and the new software update.

Sorry I haven't replied until now, I wanted to test the unit thoroughly for a week before I responded.

I downloaded the updated version of Quick DMX and uploaded my show file to the device. Unfortunately the software is now crashing before the upload is complete. I tested it for the week anyway and the calendar worked fine on Monday and Tuesday but then started malfunctioning on Wednesday. The lights did not turn off at the programmed time on Wednesday evening and went off in the morning on Thursday and didn't turn on at the programmed time. I think this is caused by the software crashing before all of the data was uploaded to the device. Hopefully when you stop the software crashing it will fix the problem. Also, were you able to have a look at a blackout function via infrared remote?

Thank you!


Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 04 December 2014, 23:50
by support
Please repost your latest lightshow, and tell us your Operating System.
We will check that.

Blackout function can be easily done with one scene with all channels levels forced to 0.

Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 07 December 2014, 19:56
by Cybernick121
Please find the latest showfile attached.

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium.

I Tried that method of blackout originally, along with the OFF Function. Neither of them worked whilst in stand alone mode. It is currently on button 18.



Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 09 December 2014, 17:19
by support
Can you please tell us if you are able to trigger the 6 first scenes with the IR remote controller ?

PS: noted for the button 18 (we will see that after the first problem).

Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 11 December 2014, 09:41
by Cybernick121
Yes, the first 6 scenes can all be triggered via remote.



Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 12 December 2014, 19:44
by support
The was two other problems (not easy to check calendar trigger actions):
- crash sometimes at the end of upload
- shift in weekdays parameters


The fix is available here: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ...
Please try it and let us know if everything is ok now.

Re: Standalone Calendar/Time not working [fixed]

Posted: 14 December 2014, 19:01
by support
no change presently regarding "button 18"
the problem comes from the "empty" buttons, between button 6 and button 18
please redo button 18 into button 7 for now, and it should work