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Group configuration not being saved correctly [fixed]

Posted: 25 November 2014, 04:19
by RobGoldberg
Hi folks. I am a brand new user of ShowXpress (Version 7). I have everything set up and working great except for a couple of things:

1. I create groups and assign fixtures to the groups. During that session everything works great. Then I export the show. The next time I import the show the fixture assignments to the groups is not correct anymore. Most of the assignments have been lost. What could I be doing wrong?

2. I have some 4BAR TRI lights. They have 4 lights in the fixture and each is an RBG color chooser. I see how I can use the RBG color selector in the software to choose a color but for that fixture it always changes all four lights concurrently. How can I set it up so that I have separate RGB control of each light in the fixture? There are DMX channels for each light. I know I can manually adjust the DMX channels but I want to be able to use the RGB color chooser for each of the lights. Much easier that way.

Previously I was using Luminaire on an iPad and it easily controlled each light in the 4BAR TRI fixture separately.

Thanks. I hope to be using this forum quite a bit

Rob Goldberg
East Bay Digital Sound

Re: GROUP configuration not being saved correctly

Posted: 25 November 2014, 09:43
by support
There was a similar bug in a previous version. Please try again with version 7.1.21.

Version 7.1.21 gives the possibility to select the RGB zone inside a fixture. This is a new feature. Please try it.

Re: GROUP configuration not being saved correctly

Posted: 25 November 2014, 15:30
by RobGoldberg
Where do I find 7.1.21? I only see 7.1.12 on the download site.

Re: GROUP configuration not being saved correctly

Posted: 25 November 2014, 16:03
by zkflow
RobGoldberg wrote:Where do I find 7.1.21? I only see 7.1.12 on the download site.

Re: GROUP configuration not being saved correctly

Posted: 25 November 2014, 16:17
by RobGoldberg
Thanks Much!

Re: Group configuration not being saved correctly [fixed]

Posted: 11 March 2015, 17:21
by Karyn451

I'm using 7.1.48 on Mac and the groups don't save at all.

Re: Group configuration not being saved correctly [fixed]

Posted: 11 March 2015, 22:29
by support
Please post (or email) your lightshow, and tell us how to proceed to reproduce the problem.

Re: Group configuration not being saved correctly [fixed]

Posted: 12 March 2015, 09:03
by Karyn451
Add some fixtures.
create several new groups with fixtures.

Add more fixtures.
create new group for new fixtures.
Some of existing groups loose their fixtures.

Re: Group configuration not being saved correctly [fixed]

Posted: 19 March 2015, 15:31
by support
In fact, the group change is lost exclusively when we make/save a change in Fixtures.
Fixed in V7.1.50: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3500#p14412