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storing scenes [fixed]

Posted: 22 May 2014, 02:14
by drphoto
I've been running the software on a Mac Pro. I created a set of scenes and put in a subfolder in the scenes file. I can access them through ShowXpress, but when I look at the Scene folder on the the hard drive, I don't see the subfolder. I'm wanting to transfer the show to a cheap PC for backup.

Re: storing scenes

Posted: 22 May 2014, 06:58
by support
You can use the import / export lightshow function for that.

Reminder: the scenes files must be stored in (or in a subfolder of) the folder "../scenes/"

Re: storing scenes

Posted: 22 May 2014, 15:38
by Pink LD
I don't understand? I save scenes in multiple subfolders. I have subfolders for specific songs, subfolders that are specific to fixtures, subfolders to specific focuses I need to update at each show. I even keep in my "/scenes" folder the various softpatches files each rig/LD.

Re: storing scenes

Posted: 22 May 2014, 16:34
by drphoto
I'm such an idiot. I have two instances of the software on my Mac, one called ShowExpress and the other The Lighting Controller. Was looking for files in wrong version.

Re: storing scenes

Posted: 22 May 2014, 16:35
by Pink LD
Well that made me LOL!

Re: storing scenes [fixed]

Posted: 23 May 2014, 00:00
by drphoto
I'm beginning to think I'm not so crazy after all. Does the software create a copy of itself called The Lighting Controller?

When I downloaded the ShowXpress PC version, I once again had trouble location the scene files. I back traced and sure enough in "Users" there was the mysterious appearance of "The Lighting Controller" and there were my scene file.

Re: storing scenes [fixed]

Posted: 23 May 2014, 06:54
by support
There are two different locations, for two different things:

1. the software
usually stored in "../Program Files/" under Windows, and stored in "../Applications/" under MacOS

2. the data (your lightshows)
stored in "'home directory*'/TheLightingController/"

*home directory is different for each OS.

Re: storing scenes [fixed]

Posted: 25 May 2014, 18:42
by drphoto
ohhh. That explains it. thanks

Re: storing scenes [fixed]

Posted: 26 May 2014, 06:15
by JohnRichards
For Support.
Is there any plan to change the software so that we may choose what folder our shows are stored in.
In find that the path is a huge mission in windows, and would rather have a folder called "x:\Shows".


Re: storing scenes [fixed]

Posted: 26 May 2014, 07:06
by support
For John.

We understand the benefit for the user to store the lightshow wherever he wants. It is presently not possible because it might bring several issues, like for instance:
- what happen if you move the lightshow in another location ? (the "basic" user will not understand why the software is not smart enough to retrieve the lightshow)
- what happen if you move the lightshow in another location when the software is using it ? (for instance remove the usb key with the lightshow). We would have to find all different parts of our code touching the lightshow, and install protections against that, otherwise this will bring software crashes.

Please note that the "home directory" is especially made for program data. This is very safe. We are 99% sure that users will never go there and make mistakes.