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Box Drivers for Win 8.1 32bits [fixed]

Posted: 03 February 2014, 18:04
by Pink LD
I am having problems with the drivers for my box on my new convertible hybrid Asus T100, with a USB 3, and Win 8.1 32 bit.
It tries to load the 64 bit driver, then fails due to no signature.
What research I did on the forum did not lead me to a clear cut answer.

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 03 February 2014, 22:07
by support

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 03 February 2014, 22:13
by Pink LD
Do you have the same example as you suggested but in English?

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 04 February 2014, 03:02
by Pink LD
Broke out me best French and doing what you suggested got me nowhere other than the device manager telling me that the driver is unsigned. Do you have any other suggestions how I can get this to work?

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 04 February 2014, 03:31
by Pink LD
It insists on loading the Box 64 bit version, and then fails for failing to find file. If I force it to chose from the 32 bit drivers it fails for not being signed. I followed your directions and as far as I know I have the latest drivers from following the link you referenced in the topic you suggested.

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 04 February 2014, 04:13
by Pink LD
I followed this:

And it worked. Looked like Win7 when it asked me if I was sure I wanted to use an unsigned driver. I clicked yes and loaded from the 32bit_Win8 file. As soon as it loaded my box Stand Alone light went out and opening ShowXpress the main screen showed it was reading a universe. I rebooted, Stand Alone light went on initially until the boot went all the way through. Then my Stand Alone light went out, and on opening ShowXpress, again it showed I had one universe up and running.
Once I am done with my Super Bowl load out and trip home I will put the hub to test in my lighting office this Friday, then at a show on Saturday, and I will report my findings around the 9th or 10th.

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 04 February 2014, 07:45
by support
Sorry we just understand your OS is 32bits.
We meet so few Windows8 32bits systems that we forgot it is existing.
Please try this driver: beta driver for Windows 8 32bits

Yes, the workaround to run unsigned drivers works, but it should not be necessary.

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1

Posted: 04 February 2014, 09:57
by Pink LD
Well it all seems to be working now. I just have to put it all to a lighting rig.

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1 32bits

Posted: 12 February 2014, 04:45
by Pink LD
So my setup ran a 3.5 hour show without a glitch. This post can be labelled "fixed".

Re: Box Drivers for Win 8.1 32bits [fixed]

Posted: 12 February 2014, 09:13
by support
Thank you for the feedback.