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fixture patterns

Posted: 12 September 2013, 21:33
by rohaantje

I've done a few shows with the sweetlight controller.
I'm very excited about the software.

But i've a question. Is it possible to make different fixtures patterns and give those seperatelly a color?
When i want to do this now, i've to make a ton of scene's.
I would like to see 1 color picker and assign the color to a group of (the same) RGB(WA)-fixtures.

if this already exists, please let me know!

thank you.

Re: fixture patterns

Posted: 13 September 2013, 04:59
by marco
Yes this is possible
Here u can find an explenation

Re: fixture patterns

Posted: 13 September 2013, 06:10
by rohaantje
This isn't really what i mean.

what i want is to chose a group of fixtures and assign a color to them.
now i have to make for every group of fixtures a new board of collors.
i want 1 set of collors wich i can assign to different groups of fixtires.

Re: fixture patterns

Posted: 13 September 2013, 07:19
by support
You can do that in Editor.
When a channel is active in Editor, it overrides the value in Live.