Steps and Selecting Pixels

create lighting scenes for RGB fixtures
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Joined: 15 May 2013, 19:26

Steps and Selecting Pixels

Post by Pholladay »

Hey guys. I've been using pixels to program a bunch of RGB stuff and it's awesome! Just a couple questions...well I suppose they're requests really, since the program is pretty straightforward and I don't see a way to do what I want.

1. Is there a way to select multiple pixels that aren't right next to each other? When I click on one to select it and then apple click one diagonal to it, it just selects a whole box instead of just leaving the individual pixels I clicked (hope that makes sense). So if I want to run a chase not vertically or horizontally, but in a zig zag pattern, I can't do it in pixels I'd have to go to the editor and step it out individually, which I'm not going to do because that's a pain. Which ties in with my next question...

2. I don't see a way to do steps in pixels, only the effects generator. Is there a way? If not, how hard would it be to put one in there? If you could create steps and select pixels that aren't necessarily touching each other (maybe even create groups of pixels like you would create groups of fixtures) you could create some really cool effects fairly easily. For instance if I wanted to make a checkerboard pattern where the colors changed in each step I could just go and select every other pixel in every row (and possibly make that a group for later use) then bring up the color wheel, select my color, then select the contrasting squares (possibly making them another group) and do the same thing. Then make a new step with new colors etc etc.

I hope that was a clear explanation of what I'm looking to do here. Like I said pixels is a really great way to go about programming this kind of stuff. And if there's already a way to do what I'm asking I apologize for my ignorance. But if those things don't exist I think it would be something cool to think about which might not take too much code writing, as it's just implementing tools you already have in other apps.

Thanks as always for your time, you guys are great!
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Joined: 15 May 2013, 19:26

Re: Steps and Selecting Pixels

Post by Pholladay »

Correction on selecting pixels...if you hold down the Apple key and click, it will select whichever individual pixels you want, but when you click Create Effect then it just makes a great big box around all of them.
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Re: Steps and Selecting Pixels

Post by support »

Thank you for this post.

1. The effect area can effectively only be in a rectangle shape.

2. Pixels is basically made to offer a fast way to make nice effects.
We understand the step by step mode requirement, but this would be a too big job for now.

Pixels is young. The effect needs certainly to be improved. But feedback for Pixels is so quiet, that we focus presently on other programs. Extending the bank of PNG & GIF files is certainly the first best thing to do ; we will try to do that.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Steps and Selecting Pixels

Post by liveline »

I just try to use Pixel, and it's a great soft !
Simple to use and verry nice effects !

Yes, perhaps more GIF wil be a nice idea (and more GIF with black or transparent background and also with the strong R or G or B color)

Thx in advance ;-)
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Steps and Selecting Pixels

Post by support »

Thank you for this comment.

We are looking for a pro designer, able to make nice transparent GIF (and PNG) files. But not easy to find indeed.
The Lighting Controller

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