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Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 01 January 2013, 11:50
by Shakes
lightshow_shakes_1.jpg (260.29 KiB) Viewed 24054 times
Most of my live sets are built-up of macros made from stock scenes which tend to live on Page 2 of buttons.

Static 1+2 are generic macros. typically working top to bottom for any given song - Usually starts with an intro scene and works through verses, choruses, solos etc. - Heads and Mirrors can be added at any time and stored with the macro or not.

Songs 1+2 again are macros and work top to bottom and are specific cues for specific songs during the set.

Chases give me 2 options for each chase scene - Top chase is a fade and usually gives me a transition of about 1.5 seconds between steps. The second chase uses the same scene but the button speed is set to "Manual BPM" so I can tap sync.

The window labelled ROB usually controls the spots on the band front man and I tend to use this along with the chases.

It may not be a conventional way of working but it works for me. Hope it may give somebody ideas or inspiration :D

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 02 January 2013, 08:20
by support
Thank you (lot of buttons indeed).

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 03 January 2013, 18:14
by LightWorx
Thanks for sharing. I hope to get a display up soon. I too have very busy screens and have ask for support to provide a third display.

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 03 January 2013, 21:56
by Shakes
Fingers crossed for a third page ;)

I know some of the Pro guys use wings but it would be interesting and helpful to see how they use their live pages. Any takers?

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 03 January 2013, 23:12
by eedetail
Buttons page one: I run this on mylaptop screen.
Page two on second monitor.
This was from a recent show where we mostly busk each set.
32 foot main truss with 7 chauvet moving heads, 8 par 64's, 5 par 56's as spots,
and 12 chauvet led pinspots on the house side of the truss.
Back of the stage i have arch with strobes, chauvet led pinspots, and small cans on the drummer.
24 channel "wing" board softpatched in to control the pars, and some of the other lighting.
I could really really really use a third page of buttons, or ability to go 10x2 on the page.
Not shown: 2 other scanners, 4 different lasers, and par can control.
The page with the moving heads i wanted to be able to control them in groups, so i can
select "ALL" "Center" "Odd" and "Even" for differnet looks.

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 04 January 2013, 10:24
by support
Fingers crossed for a third page
In our opinion, there can be only one "buttons window" per monitor. In other words, a third "buttons window" without a third monitor does not make sence.
So, if there could be a third "buttons window", would you add a third monitor in your equipment ?

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 04 January 2013, 16:20
by eedetail
You are correct, but a third buttons page could be assembled, and pushed to nearly off the screen,
and could be quickly be brought back onto either screen by grabbing the title bar with the mouse.
Would be much easier to put little used, but still important buttons on it and recall it when
needed, rather than trying to load individual buttons onto the existing pages during a show.

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 04 January 2013, 17:15
by Shakes
STREWTH! and I thought my buttons were crowded.

I agree, a third page could store rarely used scenes and made active when needed. That would free up other windows for regularly used scenes.

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 04 January 2013, 17:53
by eedetail
Shakes, yours are crowded!! But, a glance at them tells me you have them in a logical order, one that you could probably teach me fairly quickly.
I think I could do the same with mine to you.....

As for a third page, another thought would be that the standard windows <alt> <tab> key sequence would making switching to and from a 3rd window
pretty quick. Gives the left hand something to do. (which is one reason i added a wing board)

Support, thanks for all you have done, the software has improved greatly. As you see I am already heavily using fade in and out, and
fader buttons instead of presets. 2nd show running them is this weekend, no problems so far.

And, I really like the "open in editor" from live, it makes changing scenes during the show much easier.

Re: Crowded Buttons Page

Posted: 04 January 2013, 18:38
by Shakes
Of all the tips I've been given regarding lighting, the GRAIL as far as I'm concerned is "Be Flexible" - I work predominantly with one band and basically the same rig. Variations depending on venue size (Nothing like your setup Mr eedetail :-) ) But I do get thrown into situations with multi band, all day events.

I forgo control of everything individually, although it would be nice and work from a supply of stock scenes and moods and with a 15" laptop and mouse do what I do.

Unfortunately, I rarely have room for a second monitor as Joe Public is usually too up close and personal so flexibility with a single monitor setup would be ideal. Your <alt> <tab> suggestion sounds great so long as a page running in the background doesn't effect the functionality of live!

I do have to agree that the work put in by support is second to none and it seems as if a possible split in Lighting Controller versions may soon be rqd. One for theatre users and a second 'light' version (no pun intended) for general use. That may ease the implementation of some of the features being requested.

Cheers all