Serious Problem with Timecode

the second tab of Live, with timelines
Posts: 7
Joined: 18 July 2012, 19:45

Serious Problem with Timecode

Post by sandersfbc »

I have created a light show synchronized with music.

Since version 6, it has been possible in the Editor to make step length out to the 2nd decimal place, which I was excited about since you can have more accurate timings. I have created two scenes. In the first scene, I timed steps only to the first decimal place, for example, a step shows as being 1.2 seconds long. In the second timeline, I timed things to the 2nd decimal place for higher accuracy, for example, a step shows as being 1.25 seconds long.

I then placed the audio (wav file) into the timeline, and then placed the first scene. It plays back perfectly synched. Then I placed in the 2nd scene. This scene seems to slow down more and more as the timeline plays. My best guess is that timeline is rounding each step up the the 1st decimal place, so a step that is 1.25 seconds long becomes 1.3 seconds long, and so each step makes the scene longer and longer.

I'm going to have to go back and retime the entire scene file (174 steps) to the 1st decimal place. Any chance you guys can fix this in a future release?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Serious Problem with Timecode

Post by support »

TimeLine is effectively presently rounding each step up to the 1st decimal place.
Sorry about this.
The Lighting Controller

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