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multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 31 October 2012, 15:07
by skyblue
Hello, I am trying to have Multiple Universes Using both my xpress 100 & 512 without luck. When I hook up both only the 512 will be found. Is this a software Issue. Or is there some restriction for this ? If I own both I would like to use both at the same time. Any help would be greatly. Appriciated

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 31 October 2012, 16:32
by support
The interface "Cable" can not be used together with other interfaces.

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 31 October 2012, 17:36
by skyblue
That's a bummer... Why is this not allowed to work together? I have a simple 12 dmx channels to control on another universe at a club an won't be able to budget in for a second xpress 512 controller when I already have this xpress 100 handy. Is there no way to make it work from the same computer?

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 31 October 2012, 18:02
by support
Interface "Cable" is different technology than other interface (converter vs embedded processor).
We do not have the code to make them working properly together.
Sorry for this.

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 02 November 2012, 04:36
by skyblue
Ok.. I have a question for a little bit of a work-a-round until I can get another xpress512.. Would I damage my current xpress512 or light fixtures if I plugged the xpress512 into a XLR A/B switch and toggled back and forth between my 2 universes? I am just wondering if there would be any issue with the unit on a voltage/transmission/pop/...or something when switching from one universe to the other?? Being that the xspress512 is just a sending unit and not a receiving unit I think this would be ok but I just want to make sure that I would not be shorting anything electrical by doing so. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as you can. Many thanks!

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 02 November 2012, 09:18
by support
The lonely thing we can say is both interfaces use pin 1 for ground and send data via pins 2 & 3.
So there must be no incoming data from another dmx device to pins 2 & 3.

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 02 November 2012, 13:50
by skyblue
No, no data from another device...maybe I didn't explain myself well sorry... I am thinking of using a XLR A/B switch with one xpress512 unit. [ie.. 1-input (that would come from the xpress512) with 2-outputs (A-universe-1and B-universe-2.)] The outputs are manually switched (like a light switch) so only 1 of the outputs is used at a time (A or B at any given time). So one output (A) will go to one universe-1 and the other output (B) will go to the other universe-2. I just wanted to confirm that by using a switch that I wouldn't make any kind of "electrical short" that would damage the xpress512 or a lighting fixture. Hope this explains my work-a-round a little better. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 02 November 2012, 19:12
by support
This should not destroy our interfaces.

Re: multiple universe with xpress 100 & 512 ??

Posted: 02 November 2012, 22:02
by skyblue
Thank you kindly!