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Problem with live option

Posted: 12 October 2012, 01:34
by Crypt0
Hi, we had Sweet light instaled and running on windows Vista then out Hard drive crashed due to too much vibration in the DJ Booth,

so i setup a new new system with Windows 7 Ultimate 32b
setup the latest Sweetlight software , instaled drivers , imported our previous light show in the editor tested it works awsome.

but the issue we have is when we set it up in live ..nothing hapens. so now for 2 weeks we been running our light show from the editor and we dont want that.

what are we doing wrong here ?

Re: Problem with live option

Posted: 12 October 2012, 07:17
by support
You can email us your lightshow ; we will check that.

Re: Problem with live option

Posted: 12 October 2012, 10:58
by Niffo
Please check :
- your scene files (.sce) are in the right directory
- your firewall is not blocking communications with Live (try to disable it)