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How to send your lightshow

Posted: 21 April 2010, 08:41
by support
1. Use the "Export lightshow" function from the main menu, to save the lightshow as a folder.
2. Make a zip file of this folder
3. Upload the zip file via a cloud based file transfer service
4. post the link to download the file, with the link to the corresponding topic in the forum

Some free cloud based file transfer services:

To email us: ... p?f=3&t=19

For those who want to know where are stored the lightshows (not essential):
They are in folder "TheLightingController", in the "home directory" folder. The location of "home directory" depends of your operating system. For more info about "home directory", please read this: Here are some examples of where the "home directory" folder is stored:
- Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<username*>
- Windows 7 & more - C:\Users\<username*>
- MacOS - /Users/<username*>
* change <username> by your user name in your computer.
Once you found the folder "LightShows", open it and you will see you light show folders (there should be at least one lightshow folder called "default").