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Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 05 August 2012, 10:24
by Chris
I Need help. I'm using sweetlight v.6.30 with the cable on a Windows 7 (32bit) pc. Software installation works, scene programming in the build mode with dmx on works, too.
LED on the cable is already flashing and the Soft
ware recognizes the interface.

The problem is, that the live mode doesn't play back my programed scenes. Dmx button is already green. What is wrong with my system?

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 05 August 2012, 17:18
by support
Do you see the channels levels moving, in the ControlBoard dmx bragraph ?

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 06 August 2012, 07:17
by Chris
No! But the dmx address setting on the lamp and at the software are equal.

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 06 August 2012, 13:06
by support
So the situation is:
- the channels levels are moving in the ControlBoard dmx bragraph, when you play the scene in Editor
- the channels levels are not moving in the ControlBoard dmx bragraph, when you play the scene in Live

Please send us your lightshow ; we will check it.

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 15 August 2012, 08:45
by Chris
That's absolutely right. They move in the editor mode, but not in the live playing mode.

How can I send my program to you?

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 15 August 2012, 09:12
by support

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 18 August 2012, 08:42
by support
The scene (SCE files) are not in the lightshow folder.
In the parameters of Live (Live.ini), we see the scene files have been imported from your "Desktop" folder.
So it looks like the scene files are in the "Desktop" folder (they are normally stored in the lightshow folder).

We checked and we find there is effectively a problem: when scenes are stored outside of default folder, Live does not play them.

By default, all these files are stored in the "home directory" of your computer.
By waiting we fix this problem, we suggest you to make a new lightshow and keep the default files location organisation.

PS: you can copy/paste the scenes files in the new lightshow.

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 19 August 2012, 15:46
by Chris
I saved the shows at "lightshows" and now it works. Live is playing all my shows!


I'm very happy!

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 20 August 2012, 16:32
by support
Your welcome !

PS: after check, it is finally not allowed to store the scene files outside of the folder "scenes" (or a subfolder inside the folder "scene"), within the lightshow. So there won't be any fix for this.

Re: Live doesn't play my programed scenes

Posted: 27 August 2012, 15:28
by SoonerDj
I couldn't really understand the last response by "support" but I am new to this program (just transitioning to Show Express from a different software program) and am having the same problem described above. I've created scenes that work just fine (both in the 3d visualizer, and when connected to my fixtures) but can not get the software to trigger the scenes from the "Live" screen. Firing the scenes manually from the editor is a pain in the butt, and I'd like to figure what is wrong.