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Lovin' !

Posted: 10 February 2012, 03:21
by Detour DJ
Sure...I have some things I'd like to see improved or added. But overall, I'm absolutely TICKLED at the progress I've made stepping up from ADJ's MyDMX! While MyDMX drove me crazy with a frustrating all-blue/all-the-same-size buttons/hard-to-navigate User page, ShowX has a very customizable Live page that's easy to mold as needed and find the right control quickly. Using MyDMX, I built up about 50 scenes, then because of the severe limitations of that software I didn't want to make any more. More confusing blue buttons to get lost in on the User page, ya know? As of now, my ShowX Live page is using 166 buttons, it's easy to do what I want, and I have WAY more creative control because of ShowX's scene layering capability. To me, that says a lot about the ease of use when 4 times as many options are simpler to use!

Kudos, ShowX!

Re: Lovin' ShowX!

Posted: 10 February 2012, 08:16
by support
Thank you very much for these comments.

We just moved your topic in section "Reports from users", so the prospective users might read it more easily.