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Time line changing ? [moved]

Posted: 24 September 2011, 15:05
by diamond
I am VERY new to all of this, and did try searching for an answer before posting. Not knowing all of these terms yet, it makes searches difficult. So, I apologize if this has been answered already.

The problem I'm having is, it seem like the timing of my scenes in the timeline changed depending on if I start the audio from the beginning or from some other point. As an example...

If I have a 2 minute song and want to place my scenes in, I have to ALWAYS rewind to the beginning of the song to see how they look in the time line. If I start at, say 32 seconds and place a scene at 35 seconds, play it back from 32 seconds again, and it's perfect. Then, I rewind the song to the beginning and play it, and it's off!?!

I'm leaning towards it being something I'm doing wrong over the program;) So...a little help please?

Thanks much in advance!

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 24 September 2011, 21:03
by tomrbland
Is your audio file an mp3? Try to use WAV files where you can. I'll try and find the reason for you now...

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 24 September 2011, 21:06
by tomrbland
I can't find the post right now, it was quite along time ago. But there is a reason that it doesn't play in the same place everytime, it's to do with how Windows handles audio files.

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 24 September 2011, 23:12
by diamond
WOW! I NEVER would have thought that would be the issue, but it seems to have corrected it. I'll keep testing to be sure.

I can't thank you enough for that. I would be a LONG time to program a song having to go back to the beginning every time...nope, wrong...rewind try again. Yikes!

So, I'm looking at using this to program for a band. I'm guessing I would have to run a few songs right after each other to make it simple to do. But, then the wav files alone would be about 200 meg! I hope that will work?

thanks again! So appreciated:)

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 24 September 2011, 23:28
by tomrbland
No worries. 200mb - that's quite a song!

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 25 September 2011, 00:18
by diamond
Well, like 4 or 5 in a row on a timeline...about 40-50 meg each. Is that not how you would do it? Just trying to not have to play a song, stop, load the next song, play it. Any ideas always welcome:)

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 25 September 2011, 11:30
by tomrbland
Do you experience a delay when loading a new timeline then?

Re: Time line changing?

Posted: 26 September 2011, 01:26
by diamond
No idea yet. I just just just started with the program and am trying to figure out how people use it for one song after another. Do they load every song, one after another? Or do they group a few?

Re: Time line changing ? [moved]

Posted: 26 September 2011, 23:43
by pogjack
Have you tried to set a timeline for each song, set up all the songs on a Live Page and set the page to chase.

Re: Time line changing ? [moved]

Posted: 28 September 2011, 01:28
by diamond
Awesome idea! I only have 2 songs partly done, but enough to test it, and it worked REALLY well. I LOVE THAT IDEA! I will have to get a few more going to see how it does.

thank for the advice!!!