v10 Release Updates?

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Re: v10 Release Updates?

Post by muscanto »

I saw your update about bugs in the tradeshow. Can you release a beta?

What is the ETA on the bug fixes?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: v10 Release Updates?

Post by support »

@ dumbfungus
There will be "keypoints" tutorials showing the main new features.
We will release them together with the software.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: v10 Release Updates?

Post by thierry84 »

On est impatient !!!!
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: v10 Release Updates?

Post by support »

On comprend.

Mais lors des RDV avec certains utilisateurs confirmés pendant le salon la semaine dernière en Espagne, on a trouvé des choses à améliorer. Et ces choses rendent les tutos concernés obsolètes :-( . C'est un travail sans fin.

Pour info, quand le nouveau logiciel sera disponible en ligne, certains utilisateurs vont chercher ce qu'ils n'aiment pas par rapport au logiciel actuel, et ils seront sans pitié, même si tout ceci est gratuit pour eux.

On doit faire au mieux pour protéger le nouveau logiciel de ces personnes.

Soyez patients.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: v10 Release Updates?

Post by mrchacha100 »

Sorry but after reading that last comment I hope some things got lost in translation as it seemed a bit offensive. It appears you are saying that some of your users will find things in the new software that are not to their liking and will complain mercilessly...Personally I think your users only really give you constructive input on how the software can be improved or adapted to make it fit to their own needs. Obviously you cannot complete every request but compared to some GrandMA users in groups, I think you have a very polite user base.

Also. We have no problem waiting on you to finish your software, however...patience is not ever lasting...we know you are a small team and we know you do not want to let people down but to say that this software is free is absolutely ridiculous. If you allowed the software to be used with any dmx box or output all the universes via ARTNET, then you can be forgiven. But the software is locked. We buy your boxes (when they are available) and this is not for the cutting edge or expensive components that it includes...it's for the software that we have spent time and man-hours teaching to others and this all costs US money and I think that many others are only considering how much it will cost them as self owned businesses or as responsible's for larger companies to adapt and relearn your software.

We all make do with a forum system for support rather than tickets or email. We all make do with having to install fix files rather than having a full installer. And we sometimes have to wait over 6 months for fixes to, what are to the users themselves, hugely important issues! This is patience!

No one wants you to fail or to "Rain" on the new software. But this is a business for us and yourselves. And businesses need support from you...not a feeling of aggression.

As I was not able to attend ISE this year, I can't wait to see what you have implemented for the new software and I'm sure your other users feel the same

We await your updates!

Best regards
Posts: 212
Joined: 22 June 2015, 13:10

Re: v10 Release Updates?

Post by muscanto »

Your online user group is your best asset as a software maker and you're referring to us like we are the enemy? We are giving you real world advice and we are active on these forums. At some point here, you just need to release the software and let us give you feedback. Multiple of us have asked multiple times for a beta or preview. It sounds like you are now about to push this release back multiple months if not another year. At what point do we stop waiting? I'm so close to replacing all my interfaces with another product and I have mentioned that before.

Your group has put this release back more times than I can count.

Let's recap your excuses:

-Supply chain issues, can't get IC's and you need to be able to sell product to stay in business - now resolved.
-Added more features during supply chain issues - tutorials are out of dates
-Now waiting until ISE - will release a few days after (this was a lie)
-Now there are bugs that need fixing from the tradeshow - no ETA
-Now you have feedback from users (not us on here) that say you need improvement - no ETA on release?

Seriously - how are we suppose wait any longer? Don't you want us to see your teams hard work, even if it's not finished?

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