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Re: Desktop shortcut right to proper light show?

Posted: 28 December 2016, 17:45
by Ghostfeeder
Alright. I followed your instructions and the tab label is fixed. I import my show and start to play it. I have to re-assign my media files, which is no big deal, but when I play the timeline there is no light action. Everything is still where I put it, but no lights are working. If I go into the fixtures I see that they are all gone. My scenes all still exist, are still in their proper folder, and still show up on the timeline but even if I try to recreate the fixtures or import them manually, my show no longer plays and it acts as if the scenes aren't triggering the fixtures even when I recreate them. When I import a show, shouldn't it just all go right back into place, fixtures and all???

I tried reinstalling the software without changing the program folder name. The button label issue returns, so that's back to normal, but my lights still won't work.

I tried throwing the software on my Mac and imported my show there and it's all perfect. Everything is there. All fixtures are present and it works like it always did.

A: why would "old files" stuck around in my PC and require me to create a whole new program folder? I prefer to keep things clean and streamlined and would love to know why this happens with this software.

B: why can I no longer play my lightshow on my PC? I don't understand why my fixtures disappear when I import the lightshow but all is well on my other platform... please help as this is becoming a huge headache just to fix a glitchy tab label problem...


Re: Desktop shortcut right to proper light show?

Posted: 28 December 2016, 17:56
by support
Please send the working lightshow (from your Mac) ; we will check it.

Re: Desktop shortcut right to proper light show?

Posted: 28 December 2016, 19:45
by Ghostfeeder
I figured it out. User error on my part. I forgot that I had to OPEN LIGHTSHOW from the top menu before I tried to open the timeline. My mistake. Too many "open lightshow" options! Thanks for the help.

That being said, do you know why exactly I had to change the program folder to allow the tab labels to correct themselves?

Re: Desktop shortcut right to proper light show?

Posted: 28 December 2016, 22:18
by support
All files and folders, inside the software folder, must not be moved.