blinking on beat

create scenes with steps
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Joined: 14 July 2016, 15:01

Re: blinking on beat

Post by racerx37335 »

I have decided to go ahead and use my Windows laptop to try to accomplish what I am trying to do since I have figured out with some help that the MAC software won't do what I am needing, so I will re-ask my question a bit differently. What I'm trying to do is a little different than most have discussed. I am wanting to have my lights blink to the beat of live band music primarily. My Obey 4 controller had a sound button that could be pushed in order to engage a built-in mic as the light trigger. How would I accomplish this with ShowExpress and the Express 512 on a Windows machine? I see Auto BPM, I can check it and it does get sound input from the built in mic. The fixtures are all Chauvet Slimpar 64s.

Posts: 54
Joined: 25 June 2015, 13:16

Re: blinking on beat

Post by bones2020 »

Do you want light to blink on each beat.
Like - beat 1 = blink, then off, then, beat 2 = blink
Beat 1 = blink, then, beat 2 = off, then, beat 3 = blink, and so on, on every 2nd beat

For me there is 3 ways of doing these.

1.To make it blink on every 2nd beat.
Make the 2 step scene as another user has said, then, make the button in live, right click the button and select scene properties and set to auto bpm. On the right hand side of the software make sure and check the little on/off box under auto bpm to turn the auto bpm on. your 2 scene steps should now blink on and off on every 2nd beat to any music the computer is picking up.

2. To make it blink on every beat in timeline..
The only way I could think of making the light blink ON, on every beat. Is to set the 2 step scene on every beat on the timeline. very time consuming.

3. Easy strobe
Make a 2 step scene, step 1 = 1 sec, step 2 = 1 sec.
Step 1 turn dimmer right up and select just the strobe function of the light (at what ever speed you like)
Step 2 same as above
Then save scene, go to live and make button with scene, right click button and set as flash button.(flash button = a button that only says on when you hold on it).
Nothing will happen when you click this button on its own, but when you are running any of your other scene or shows and click on this button it will make that other scene or show strobe.
You can then edit this button later on and add more lights to it.
Hope some of this helps.

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