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Re: 3D View Gobos OK_for_3D Stopped Working

Posted: 01 July 2011, 19:58
by dkumpula
Thanks again for your help. I will continue experimenting to see if I can get this working and will paste a reply if I can get it to work.

Re: 3D View Gobos OK_for_3D Stopped Working

Posted: 01 July 2011, 21:11
by dkumpula
I just found the problem . . . apparently an out of date display driver was causing the gobos to not render. This must have stopped working as the result of a Windows 7 update that I installed. I see that ATI released an updated display driver just shortly after I started having the problem. Updating the display driver to the latest version fixed the problem immediately (with no other changes or even a reboot).

Sincere thanks for chasing this problem for me and I hope you didn't waste too much time as you would be unlikely to reproduce this problem without having a 100 PCs with different hardware and patches on them.

Warmest Regards!

Re: 3D View Gobos OK_for_3D Stopped Working

Posted: 02 July 2011, 08:52
by support
This is a good news :) .

We learned something new. Before, we were answering "please update your video card driver" only when we heard "3DView crashes". No we will also say the same answer, when we hear "i do not see anymore my gobos".

This conclusion is important for us, and for future users who can meet same problem.

Ah Windows :roll: