Multiple Scenes Stacked to form one scene [fixed]

create scenes with steps
Posts: 54
Joined: 06 November 2016, 03:18

Re: Multiple Scenes Stacked to form one scene [fixed]

Post by Tomlin »

Okay, so I can add a Macro line but I am unable to add one that has already been created- no dialogue box appears when I right click and choose "Add Macro".

I have updated to the latest version.
Eric Tomlin
Production Director
Bridge Community Church
Posts: 54
Joined: 06 November 2016, 03:18

Re: Multiple Scenes Stacked to form one scene [fixed]

Post by Tomlin »

Okay I think I see what you're doing here. I have to say that did not work like I was hoping. I was hoping to create macros on the Live page and then import those macros into the Sequential List feature because they would be completely pre-built. With the way that this works, you have to re-build the Macros in Sequential List function and it's not visual like it is in Live screen. If we could simply add the macros that have already been created from the Live screen, the process would be super SUPER fast and very intuitive because you'd be able to see it as you're doing it. This method also requires the sub steps and I'm afraid that when I go to compile a big show event (if the ability to merge multiple Sequential Lists have not been added in this version) then I have to edit the item numbers manually and we've just added considerable sub numbers to worry about as well. Adding macros right now to Sequential List is a step in the right direction, but it's not reducing the level of work required.

Eric Tomlin
Production Director
Bridge Community Church
Posts: 54
Joined: 06 November 2016, 03:18

Re: Multiple Scenes Stacked to form one scene [fixed]

Post by Tomlin »

I also want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for adding the default Fade In and Fade Out slider for Sequential List. I really appreciate that!
Eric Tomlin
Production Director
Bridge Community Church
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Multiple Scenes Stacked to form one scene [fixed]

Post by support »

I was hoping to create macros on the Live page and then import those macros into the Sequential List feature because they would be completely pre-built. With the way that this works, you have to re-build the Macros in Sequential List function and it's not visual like it is in Live screen. If we could simply add the macros that have already been created from the Live screen, the process would be super SUPER fast and very intuitive because you'd be able to see it as you're doing it.
The Lighting Controller
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