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Re: Touchscreen control!

Posted: 17 March 2015, 04:53
by Pink LD
Yeah, I can do that. But my twin ten-point touchscreens are so under utilised in single touch in this software.
Still I am glad you like your Acer working with your Mac, I know I love my two.

Another technical question though:
Are your touches independent of your mouse or not? My touches are just mouse moves, i.e. if I touch my screen my moyse cursor goes to the touch. I really wich touch gestures were treated as a separate and independent gesture.

Re: Touchscreen control!

Posted: 29 December 2015, 07:54
by Detour DJ
This has been a long time responding to the last post, but I'm visiting the site now and thought I'd catch up. Sorry for the delay. I'm still using the same rig: Mac Mini running OS X El Capitan, Acer touchscreen, cheap backlit keyboard, and an Apple TrackPad. It's been working perfectly all year! My only issue is the keyboard becomes inoperative occasionally, but a quick unplug/replug of its USB cable fixes it immediately. The screen hasn't been having any touch issues at all. Like the Mac, it just works! With this rig, I'm having more fun than I've ever had running lights before, and I'm getting paid. Life is good! As for the question about the mouse cursor, no, mine isn't doing that. The mouse cursor is separate from screen touches.

Re: Touchscreen control!

Posted: 21 January 2016, 04:36
by AmpdEntmt
I'm considering purchasing one of these monitors since you've had such great success with it, is there a possibility you could share where your purchased it from and what the price point was? Thank you!

Re: Touchscreen control!

Posted: 21 January 2016, 04:39
by Pink LD
I bought my Acer 23in 10 point touchscreens at Best Buy, sub $300, but that was 2 years ago. Still one of the best deals and FOH setups I have ever had.

Re: Touchscreen control!

Posted: 21 January 2016, 05:28
by Detour DJ
I forget where I bought it...maybe eBay. But as Pink wrote, under $300 and it's been great. One last note: I thought touch and cursor were separate, but they're not. If I touch the screen, that's where the cursor goes.

Re: Touchscreen control!

Posted: 21 January 2016, 05:43
by Pink LD
Biggest complaint ever! Touch is functionally the same as as a mouse input. And as much as I beg the industry to treat them as separate inputs so you can mouse and touch simultaneously, my pleas fall on engineers deaf ears.

Also be aware that the lighting software only supports single touch. This was a nightmare for me with a triple touchscreen setup and dual LDs. But while the single touch sucks, I did enjoy the co-ordinated dance of watching closely myself and my LX2 figure out who had touch priority mid-show. Especially if I had to go into Editir mid-show for a tweak.