Windows 8 Laptop Keyboard Stopped Working

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Joined: 20 July 2012, 22:56

Windows 8 Laptop Keyboard Stopped Working

Post by epeterson »

I was in the middle of a show and I have quite a few keyboard triggers to run certain scenes that I have set to be a flash button with a keyboard trigger...etc. Unfortunately I cannot run off timeline...drummer can change the tempo a bit here and there. (Red Bull I think is the culprit) Anyway, all of a sudden I had no keyboard control of the show. I could still click on the individual buttons and run scenes I created. I am wondering if it was a combination of keys that I hit that froze or deactivated the keyboard. The only way to get the keyboard back was to reboot the computer. Closing the entire ShowXpress program didn't do the trick...Just curious if this has happened to any one else and if there is a fix for it without rebooting.


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Joined: 15 May 2012, 17:26

Re: Windows 8 Laptop Keyboard Stopped Working

Post by eedetail »

Is it possible that you hit the cap locks button on the keyboard?
Posts: 22
Joined: 20 July 2012, 22:56

Re: Windows 8 Laptop Keyboard Stopped Working

Post by epeterson »

I looked at that...caps lock was not on. I even changed one of the button triggers to a capital letter and it didn't work. The keyboard was completely locked out. I am thinking I hit some sort of combination on the keyboard to lock it out. I remember back in the day Ctrl + s used to lock it. I tried that. The only way I could get it to work again was to reboot. Which is hard to do during a show! :)

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